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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - plan


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~1 n 1 »INTENTION« something you have decided to do or achieve  (His plan is to get a degree in economics and then work abroad for a year. | sb's best plan BrE (=the best course of action))  (Your best plan would be to catch a taxi - it's much too far to walk. | change your plans/a change of plan)  (There's been a change of plan - we're going on Monday instead. | have plans (for) (=intend to do something))  (We don't have any plans for the weekend - why don't you come over? | make plans (for) (=prepare for something that you intend to do))  (Julia's been busy making plans for her wedding.) 2 »METHOD/ARRANGEMENT« a set of actions for achieving something in the future, especially one that has been considered carefully and in detail  (the government's five-year economic plan | plan for)  (NASA announced plans for a new space station to be launched in 1998. | plan to do sth)  (Have you heard about the plan to build a new science park? | keep to/stick to a plan)  (If we keep to the plan the work should be completed in two weeks. | work out/draw up/devise a plan)  (They devised a plan to reduce costs. | a plan falls through (=it becomes impossible because something unexpected happens) | go according to plan (=happen in the way that was expected or arranged))  (If everything goes according to plan the first stage will be completed by December.) 3 »MAP« a drawing similar to a map, showing roads, towns, and buildings  (a street-plan of London) 4 »DRAWING« a) technical a drawing of a building, room, or machine as it would be seen from above, showing the shape, measurements, position of the walls etc  (- compare elevation (4), section1 (6), - see also ground plan (1)) b) a drawing that shows exactly how something will be arranged  (I have to organise a seating plan for the dinner.) 5 plan of action/campaign a series of actions that you plan to carry out in order to achieve a particular thing  (Get your team around a table and agree a plan of action to reach this season's targets.) 6 Plan A your first plan, which you will use if things happen as you expect 7 Plan B your second plan, which you can use if things do not happen as you expect ~2 v planned, planning 1 to think carefully about something you want to do in the future, and decide exactly how you will do it  (We've been planning this visit for months - you can't cancel now. | The whole operation went exactly as planned.) + on  (We hadn't planned on having so many guests - we'll never have enough food for them all!) plan ahead (=make plans for a long time in the future)  (Now that you're pregnant, you'll have to plan ahead.) 2 to intend to do something, especially when you have definite plans for how you will do it  (plan to do sth)  (Josie planned to work until she had saved enough money to go to nursing school.) 3 to think about something you are going to make, and decide what it will be like; design2  (Planning a small garden is often difficult.) plan sth out phr v to plan something carefully, considering all the possible problems  (I'll get the maps so we can plan out our route.)
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  (plans, planning, planned) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A plan is a method of achieving something that you have worked out in detail beforehand. The three leaders had worked out a peace plan... ...a detailed plan of action for restructuring the group... He maintains that everything is going according to plan. N-COUNT: usu with supp, also according to N 2. If you plan what you are going to do, you decide in detail what you are going to do, and you intend to do it. If you plan what you’re going to eat, you reduce your chances of overeating... He planned to leave Baghdad on Monday... It would be difficult for schools to plan for the future... I had been planning a trip to the West Coast... A planned demonstration has been called off by its organisers. VERB: V wh, V to-inf, V for n, V n, V-ed 3. If you have plans, you are intending to do a particular thing. ‘I’m sorry,’ she said. ‘I have plans for tonight.’ N-PLURAL: usu with supp, oft N for n/-ing, N to-inf 4. When you plan something that you are going to make, build, or create, you decide what the main parts of it will be and do a drawing of how it should be made. We are planning a new kitchen. VERB: V n 5. A plan of something that is going to be built or made is a detailed diagram or drawing of it. ...when you have drawn a plan of the garden. N-COUNT: oft N of/for n 6. see also planning ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: French, ~e, foundation, ground ~; partly from Latin ~um level ground, from neuter of ~us level; partly from French ~ter to ~t, fix in place, from Late Latin ~tare — more at floor, ~t  Date: 1706  1. a drawing or diagram drawn on a ~e: as  a. a top or horizontal view of an object  b. a large-scale map of a small area  2.  a. a method for achieving an end  b. an often customary method of doing something ; procedure  c. a detailed formulation of a program of action  d. goal, aim  3. an orderly arrangement of parts of an overall design or objective  4. a detailed program (as for payment or the provision of some service) pension ~  • ~less adjective  • ~lessly adverb  • ~lessness noun Synonyms:  ~, design, plot, scheme, project mean a method devised for making or doing something or achieving an end. ~ always implies mental formulation and sometimes graphic representation ~s for a house. design often suggests a particular pattern and some degree of achieved order or harmony a design for a new dress. plot implies a laying out in clearly distinguished sections with attention to their relations and proportions the plot of the play. scheme stresses calculation of the end in view and may apply to a ~ motivated by craftiness and self-interest a scheme to defraud the government. project often stresses imaginative scope and vision a project to develop the waterfront.  II. verb  (~ned; ~ning)  Date: 1728  transitive verb  1. to arrange the parts of ; design ~ a new layout  2. to devise or project the realization or achievement of ~ned their escape  3. to have in mind ; intend ~s to leave soon  intransitive verb  1. to make ~s ~ ahead  2. to have a specified intention — used with on ~s on going  • ~ner noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a formulated and esp. detailed method by which a thing is to be done; a design or scheme. b an intention or proposed proceeding (my plan was to distract them; plan of campaign). 2 a drawing or diagram made by projection on a horizontal plane, esp. showing a building or one floor of a building (cf. ELEVATION). 3 a large-scale detailed map of a town or district. 4 a a table etc. indicating times, places, etc. of intended proceedings. b a scheme or arrangement (prepared the seating plan). 5 an imaginary plane perpendicular to the line of vision and containing the objects shown in a picture. --v. (planned, planning) 1 tr. (often foll. by that + clause or to + infin.) arrange (a procedure etc.) beforehand; form a plan (planned to catch the evening ferry). 2 tr. a design (a building, new town, etc.). b make a plan of (an existing building, an area, etc.). 3 tr. (as planned adj.) in accordance with a plan (his planned arrival; planned parenthood). 4 intr. make plans. Phrases and idioms planning permission Brit. formal permission for building development etc., esp. from a local authority. plan on colloq. aim at doing; intend. Derivatives planning n. Etymology: F f. earlier plant, f. It. pianta plan of building: cf. PLANT ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) план; проект планировать, составлять план; проектировать 2) схема; чертёж; диаграмма составлять схему; вычерчивать диаграмму 3) план (ортогональная проекция) - plan of experiment - acceptance sampling plan - advance flight plan - aerodrome master plan - air plan - air travel plan - body plan - chip plan - construction plan - contingency plan - contour plan - crew activities plan - cutting plan - development plan - diagrammatic plan - double sampling plan - felling plan - field development plan - fire-fighting plan - flight plan - floor plan - frame plan - framing plan - frequency plan - general plan - grading plan - ground plan - half-breadth plan - inspection plan - interlocking plan - key plan - launch window plan - lines plan - location plan - logging plan - long-term plan - manufacturing plan - master plan - master plot plan - midship section plan - mine plan - mining plan - multiobjective water plan - numbering plan - outline plan - preliminary plan - pumping plan - rolling plan - rough plan - routing plan - seismic zoning plan - sheer plan - shell plating expansion plan - shell expansion plan - single sampling plan - site plan - sketch plan - track plan - transposition plan - ventilation plan - water-management plan - wiring plan - zoning plan PLAN сокр. от personal local-area network локальная сеть персональных ЭВМ ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  план; чертёж; проект; схема планировать; составлять план plan and elevation plans and specifications action plan airport master plan anchor bolt plan block plan building plan building's floor plan at ground level cross-sectional plan development plan dimension plan electrical block plan erecting plan evacuation plan fire procedure plan floor plan foundation plan framing plan general plan grid plan ground plan ground floor plan integrated plan job plan key plan landscape plan land use plan layout and location plan lighting plan line plan local plan long-term plan marked-up plan master plan new community plan obstruction clearance plan open plan outline plan pack plan plot plan refurbishment plan rejected plan site plan sketch plan staking plan standard plan structural floor plan structural roof plan structure plan testing plan transportation plan tri-winged floor plan water plan working plan ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) план 2) диаграмма – channel plan – frequency plan – information distribution plan – numbering plan – routing plan ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) горизонтальная проекция 2) замысел 3) план 4) планировать 5) плановый 6) предначертание 7) проект 8) проектировать 9) схема 10) чертеж additional to the plan — запроектный cancel flight plan — аннулировать план полета combined sampling plan — смешанный план выборочного контроля completely randomized plan — полностью рандомизированный план continuous inspection plan — план доджа, план непрерывной инспекции continuous sampling plan — план непрерывного выборочного контроля Dodge's inspection plan — матем. процедура непрерывной проверки fixed-sample-size sampling plan — план выборочного контроля при постоянном объеме выборки incomplete block plan — неполноблочный план (эксперимента) minimum size sampling plan — план выборочного контроля с минимальным объемом выборки multiple sampling plan — план многоступенчатого выборочного контроля nonparametric sampling plan — непараметрический план выборочного контроля normal sampling plan — нормальный план выборочного контроля optimal search plan — план оптимального поиска partially hierarchical plan — частично иерархический план plan approach angle — главный угол randomized block plan — рандомизированный блочный план reduced sampling plan — план укороченного выборочного контроля sequential sampling plan — последовательный план выборочного контроля simplex summable plan —...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) общ. план, проект, программа (схема какой-л. деятельности, разработанная до начала ее осуществления (напр. план деятельности компании, план продаж, план получения выплат (пособий) и т. п.)) annual plan — годовой план, план на год five-year plan — пятилетний план, план на пять лет plan for expansion — программа развития plan for merger — план слияния plan of operation — план работы plan correction — корректировка планов to put forward a plan — выдвинуть план See: affirmative action plan aggregate plan, alternative plan, budget plan, business plan, strategic plan, single-use plan, standing plan 2) общ. замысел, намерение (сделать что-л.) plans for the future — планы на будущее 3) общ. схема, чертеж (напр. расположения оборудования, размещения людей в аудитории, структуры организации и т. п.) a plan for seating guests — схема рассаживания гостей 4) эк., упр. план, программа, схема, система (разработанный и официально оформленный порядок оплаты труда, выплаты пенсий, пособий и т. п.) See: age-weighted profit sharing plan, pension plan, Scanlon Plan 2. гл. 1) общ. составлять план, планировать to plan sales — планировать сбыт to plan an attack — составлять план атаки 2) общ. намереваться, собираться (сделать что-л.) He plans to be in graduate school next year. — Он собирается поступить в магистратуру в следующем году. 3) общ....
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  – circular plan ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. план, программа действий counter plan —- встречный план short-term plan —- краткосрочный план five-year plan —- пятилетний план, пятилетка economic plan —- программа (план) экономического развития development plan —- план развития; план (технической) разработки piece rate wage plan —- эк. сдельная система оплаты труда to adopt a plan —- принять план to carry out (to fulfill, to implement, to realize) a plan —- осуществить (выполнить, претворить в жизнь) план to put forward a plan —- выдвинуть план to work out the plan of a speech —- набросать план выступления to buy things on the installment plan —- покупать товары в кредит (в рассрочку) 2. спец. план plan of site —- план общего расположения sketch plan —- эскизный план, кроки street plan —- план улицы 3. проект a building erected after the plans of an eminent architect —- здание, воздвигнутое по проекту известного архитектора 4. чертеж; схема; диаграмма working plan —- рабочий чертеж general plan —- общий план master plan —- генеральный план ground plan —- спец. план по нулевой отметке lines plan —- тех. теоретический чертеж корабля capacity (cargo) plan —- тех. грузовой план, чертеж вместимости грузовых трюмов и цистерн 5. горизонтальная проекция body plan —- корпус (проекция теоретического чертежа корабля) 6. крупномасштабная карта, план 7. замысел, план, намерение to change...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  ahead планировать заранее; The wedding was planned weeks ahead. PLAN  1. noun  1) план; проект  2) замысел, намерение; предположение  3) способ действий  4) схема, диаграмма, чертеж  5) система Syn: blueprint, design, programme, proposal, scheme  2. v.  1) составлять план, планировать, проектировать, чертить план;  2) строить планы; надеяться; намереваться; затевать; - plan ahead What events have you got planned for next week? Do you plan on staying here another year?  3) распланировать; запланировать; Do you plan out the whole story before you begin to write it? Syn: see intend ...
Англо-русский словарь
  gen. comp. abbr. Prototypes Location And Associative Networks network. abbr. Private Local Area Network gen. bus. abbr. Partner Leadership Alliance And Network NASDAQ abbr. Open Plan Systems, Inc. pos. abbr. Position Level Actions Network ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: LAY AWAY PLAN. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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